10 Creatures That Crawled Out Of Your Nightmares

Or, that’s what we thought, anyway. Here are ten real animals, so dangerous, disturbing, or at the least, butt-ugly, that may have inspired the occasional bad dream. The true nightmare, however, would be to wake with one of monsters sitting on your chest. Sleep well! We’ll start with perhaps the least harmless. A deep sea scavenger that puts your local harmless wood lice to shame, these bottom-feeding scavengers can reach up to around a foot in length....

February 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1355 words · Adele Nissen

10 Creepy Tales From English Folklore

There is another side to English folklore, though. A darker side, full of unexplained mysteries and stories of the paranormal. These are the stories we’re looking at today. 10 Redcap For hundreds of years, the continuous war between England and Scotland made the Anglo-Scottish border a lawless and dangerous place. Raiders frequently passed from one country into the other, committing crimes they knew they wouldn’t be punished for when they returned home....

February 10, 2023 · 11 min · 2195 words · Jesse Schaunaman

10 Creepy Ways Companies Collect Data For Targeted Ads

It’s worse than you think. You’re probably already aware that everything you do online is tracked, recorded, and sold to make better-targeted ads, but it goes way further than that. Companies in the business of selling your secrets are doing things that go way beyond 1984. You’re being monitored in ways Orwell never even imagined. 10 Hospitals And Pharmacies Sell Your Medical Records Facebook recently sent their people to several hospitals to try to convince them to sell their patients’ confidential data....

February 10, 2023 · 10 min · 2001 words · Nancy Howard

10 Criminals Who Were Caught Thanks To Trace Fiber Evidence

Today we’ll look at 10 cases where trace fibers were used to convict these captured criminals. 10 Roger Payne One of the earliest cases of a crime being solved thanks to fiber analysis took place in Bromley, England, in 1968. On February 8 of that year, Bernard Josephs came home to find a horrific scene—the lifeless body of his wife, Claire, underneath their bed. Her throat had been slashed so severely the wounds went all the way to her spine....

February 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1491 words · Yvonne Napolitano

10 Curious Firsts In The History Of Motoring

Even things related to vehicles were not spared the weirdness. For instance, the first driver detained for speeding was going just 19 kilometers per hour (12 mph) before he was chased down and arrested by a cop riding a bicycle. Here are 10 curious firsts in the history of automobiles. 10 The First Driver Arrested For Speeding Was Traveling 12 Miles Per Hour On May 20, 1899, 26-year-old Jacob German was the first motorcar driver arrested for speeding....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1820 words · Robert Ramos

10 Dark Secrets Of The Ottoman Empire

10Fratricide The early Ottoman sultans didn’t practice primogeniture, where the eldest son inherits everything. As a result, various brothers sometimes claimed the throne and the early days of the empire were plagued by pretenders, who tended to take refuge in enemy states and cause trouble for years. When Mehmed the Conqueror besieged Constantinople, his own uncle fought against him from the walls. Mehmed dealt with the problem with his customary ruthlessness....

February 10, 2023 · 12 min · 2454 words · James Perez

10 Dark Secrets Of The Sun Cults

10 Earliest Eclipse On November 30, 3340 BC, Irish Sun worshipers carved the first known representation of a solar eclipse. The engravings into three megalithic stones are located on the Cairn L site in County Meath. Researchers discovered that the Sun illuminates a special chamber within the monuments on November 1 and February 2, which mark the halfway points between the solstices and equinoxes. The stone carvers predate the Celts. However, all later arrivals to the Emerald Isle continued Sun worship in some form....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1605 words · Helen Hoople

10 Dating Tips From History That Could Improve Your Love Life

10 Use A Fan For Subtle Flirting Fans have been around for thousands of years but became a hot fashion accessory in 18th-century Europe. Ever resourceful, women realized that the fan could be used for more than just appearances, and soon enough, they started using a secret “fan language” to flirt with their male admirers. While you might think that using a fan to communicate would be rather limited, there were actually over 30 messages that women could convey to the men fortunate enough to learn this “language....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1830 words · Peter Bouley

10 Deadly Household Items You Ve Probably Used Today

Every year, countless people are injured, and many die from products that most people use daily. Despite the probable extensive babyproofing and regular maintenance you’ve done, the places we all call home contain numerous mysterious accidents waiting to happen. While most of us only glance at warning labels and disregard safety tips on products that we think we know, spending an extra minute analyzing and combatting the risks could save your life....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1789 words · Juan Flannery

10 Debated Acts Of Animal Cruelty

?Worldwide it’s estimated that 40-50 million animals are killed every year for their fur, including raccoon dogs, rabbits, foxes, mink, and chinchillas. The fur trade has gathered much protest from campaigners for the inhumane way the animals are reared and killed, often in cages where they suffer from numerous physical and behavioral abnormalities induced by the stress of caging conditions and then killed methods that preserve the pelt, such as gassing, neck-breaking and anal electrocution....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1806 words · Erwin Morris

10 Disgusting Facts About Cockroaches

There are lots of interesting and disgusting facts about roaches that many of us do not know. For example, they are superbugs that can survive for weeks with vital body parts missing, they love our ears, and they can bite us when we stop leaving food for them. 10 They Can Live Without Their Heads For Weeks Cockroaches are tough survivors, and getting rid of them is ridiculously difficult. Cutting off a roach’s head does not even count as a death sentence because the pest can survive for weeks without it....

February 10, 2023 · 11 min · 2311 words · Waldo Mackey

10 Extreme Controversial Bands And Musicians

Off the back of performances like that, it is easy to see why some people think punk (and other forms of protest music) is dead. The majority of musicians today seem to be terrified of controversy (or are simply now part of the status quo or paid off to not inhibit “progress” which most of them agree with anyway). Most of those who have anything of any substance to say keep quiet or dilute their message to ensure the flow of money....

February 10, 2023 · 11 min · 2166 words · William Turner

10 Facts About Moons That Just Might Blow Your Mind

Other moons may harbor life or contain evidence about incredibly violent events that have changed the very nature of the solar system. A few moons are just plain spectacular, like Charon. What’s Charon, you ask? 10Pluto’s Moon Charon Never Sets Or Rises Pluto and its biggest moon, Charon, are locked together in a gravity dance where they always face each other. So what? Well, it means that an astronaut on Pluto is either not going to see Charon at all or will see it overhead constantly....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1633 words · Daniel Williams

10 Failed Attempts To Colonize North America

Despite numerous attempts between the 1520s and the 1600s to establish permanent, successful colonies in the modern US and Canada, nearly all of them failed—Santa Fe and St. Augustine being the famous exceptions. Colonial life was hard, and the early Europeans lacked the supplies, tools, and geographic knowledge they needed to thrive in the New World. In this list, we’re exploring ten of the most notable failed attempts to settle North America....

February 10, 2023 · 14 min · 2781 words · Joshua Sampson

10 Famous Depression Era Bank Robbers

These criminals weren’t like the bank robbers of today; handing a note to a teller and escaping with $100, only to be caught the next day. These ruthless thieves would burst in and ransack the bank, usually forcing a manager to open the vault. They would commonly participate in gun battles with police, in which innocent bystanders were often killed. I have tried to rank in order of reputation and skill....

February 10, 2023 · 14 min · 2981 words · David Keil

10 Famous Unfinished Landmarks From Around The World

Some of the world’s unfinished landmarks are beautiful just the way they were left, and they deserve a visit. What is can be just as good as what was supposed to be. Here are ten famous unfinished landmarks from around the world. 10 Crazy Horse Memorial When most people think of a gigantic mountain carving in South Dakota, they think of the famous Mount Rushmore. But there is another carving in the mountains of South Dakota that will dwarf Mount Rushmore—if it is ever completed....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1673 words · Marvin Yantzer

10 Fascinating And Unexpected Origins Of Words

Named After: Mickey Finn This term refers to something added to someone’s drink, without their knowledge, that is designed to intoxicate, incapacitate or, at worst, kill them. The act of “Slipping someone a mickey” is common in detective stories and spy fiction. Mickey is named after Mickey Finn, a criminal who operated in Chicago in the late 19th and early 20th century. He started off as a pickpocket whose favorite prey was the drunken patrons of the bars in South Chicago....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1907 words · Gregory Baxter

10 Fascinating Stories From The Psych Evaluations Of The Nazis

10Rudolf Hess’s Brain Poison Douglas Kelley wrote that one of the things that surprised him most about former Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess was his absolute naivete. By the time the psychiatrist examined him, he had been in custody for about four years following his attempt to get the British to join the Germans in fighting the Soviet Union. He seemed earnestly shocked that he was taken prisoner and revealed that he was absolutely convinced that he was slowly being poisoned....

February 10, 2023 · 15 min · 3011 words · John Walker

10 Fish That Can Do The Craziest Things

There is a prejudice against fish, and it’s completely unfair. Those slimy minnows are astounding creatures with a vast array of abilities that boggle the mind. So before you slather those microwaved fish sticks with tartar sauce, read this and prepare to have your opinions of the lowly gill-breathers changed forever. 10Black Dragonfish Is Pretty Bright The black dragonfish ranks right up there with the most repulsive fish in the inky black abyss of the seas....

February 10, 2023 · 10 min · 1934 words · David Gans

10 Forgotten Lands Submerged By The Ocean

10New Moore/South Talpatti Called New Moore Island in India and South Talpatti Island in Bangladesh, this tiny rock in the Bay of Bengal quickly became a bone of contention after it surfaced following the Bhola Cyclone of 1971. Located near the mouth of the Hariabhanga River, which separates Bangladesh and India, the new landmass was claimed by both countries. With neither country willing to give up the potentially oil-rich island, a diplomatic row soon broke out....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1618 words · Max Torres