10 Weird Ways Disease Altered The World

10Flu Of 1918 And The Treaty Of Versailles The Flu of 1918 devastated the world and infected one-third of the population. Additionally, it damaged brain cells, affecting the brain’s ability to function and even resulting in psychosis. In April 1919, Woodrow Wilson became infected with the flu. Wilson was president at the time and played an instrumental role in the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles, particularly standing up the France’s prime minister, Georges Clemenceau, who wanted to dismantle Germany....

February 12, 2023 · 3 min · 616 words · Larry Lovie

10 Weird Ways Human Hair Has Been Used

Some of these methods are practical and benefit people, but others are just plain silly. Either way, they’re creative and push the limits of how we think about hair. Here is a list of 10 weird ways that human hair has been used in the past. 10 Hair Chair Human hair is stronger than fiberglass, and one man found a way to use the strength of hair to create a functional consumer product....

February 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1581 words · Joseph Weston

10 Weirdest Menu Items From American Fast Food Chains In Other Countries

To cater to this giant, multicultural market, fast food chains have concocted all sorts of menu items meant to hybridize styles, pioneer tastes, and just plain pander to locals and their desire to try something new. Let’s explore ten of the weirdest menu items from American fast-food chains in other countries. 10The Nutella Burger If you’re like most human beings, your immediate reaction to hearing the phrase ‘Nutella burger’ is to gag or maybe questions its existence....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1436 words · Jane Cameron

10 Weirdest Outfits In Met Gala History

The Met Gala has been held every year since 1948, and it has become more exclusive, more expensive, and more extravagant. Each year, the Met Gala asks attendees to dress according to the interpretation of a set theme, the same theme the museum will exhibit the following year. With celebrities looking to top one another and designers looking to wow, the attire has become bigger, bolder, louder, and prouder. With so many iconic outfits to choose from, this list ranks ten of the weirdest outfits ever unleashed at the Met Gala....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1466 words · Josefina Hoy

10 Woeful Attempts At Activism That Backfired Spectacularly

10Animal Liberation Front Releases An Invasive Species One night in 1998, activists from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) crept onto a farm in the New Forest, England. Their goal was to save a group of 6,500 minks on the verge of being killed for their fur. Armed with wire cutters, they made holes in the fence and released the animals into the wild, where they’d be free to frolic as nature intended....

February 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2322 words · Jonathan Hamed

10 World Traditions Of Death Throughout History

The Danse Macabre, French for “Dance of Death,” is an artistic and literary movement that celebrated the universality of death.[1] Emerging as the Black Death ravaged Europe, it influenced plenty of art and culture that came after it, from classical ensembles to the modern-day New Orleans jazz funerals. From Willie Stokes Jr., a man who had a casket made to look like a Cadillac, complete with blinking headlights, to more common things like cremation, humans have been extremely inventive when it comes to how they’re going to pay their respects to the dead....

February 12, 2023 · 12 min · 2498 words · Alana Lamotte

15 Extremely Embarrassing Science Predictions

While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially I consider it an impossibility, a development of which we need waste little time dreaming. – Lee DeForest, American radio pioneer, 1926. Radio has no future. – Lord Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist. Well informed people know it is impossible to transmit the voice over wires, and that were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value....

February 12, 2023 · 2 min · 375 words · David Ronning

15 More Widely Believed Misconceptions

Vertigo is not a fear of heights – the fear of heights is acrophobia (from Greek “akros” meaning “highest”). Vertigo (“whirling” from Latin) is the sensation of moving when you are standing still – a kind of dizziness. It is a commonly recognized medical disorder. Microwave ovens don’t cook food from the inside out. In cooking in a microwave the “skin effect” takes place – this is the scientific effect whereby electricity flows most strongly at the surface (or skin) of the conducting object (food in this case)....

February 12, 2023 · 5 min · 951 words · Richard Catalfamo

31 Wacky Holidays In March

March 1 – Peanut Butter Lover’s Day Just when you thought it was safe to eat the peanut butter. What a sticky subject. Is your PP&J safe? Millions of American children are currently without their favorite sandwich due to the recent peanut scare in which peanuts have been found to contain salmonella. Of course that is not stopping some companies to start advertising based on that. Some are even saying that “their” peanut butter is safe to eat....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1482 words · Frank Petry

8 Problems Math Solved For Us No One Asked For

See Also: 10 Simple But Costly Math Errors In History While some mathematicians would simplify those complex equations for the layman, there are also those who do the complete opposite – apply a complicated equation to something simple for no discernible reason. A considerable amount of funding from legitimate – even government – sources has gone into finding out the math behind the simplest things in our everyday lives, even if we never – for once – asked for it....

February 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1470 words · Hazel Branch

Another 10 Historical Photographs

Southern Sudan Kevin Carter took this photograph in southern Sudan. The picture would later bring him the Pulitzer prize, but also death. The image shows a vulture waiting for a child to starve to death. This horrific sight affected the photographer so deeply that he committed suicide after winning the Pulitzer Prize. Volcano Victim Omayra Sánchez was 13 years old when the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted. She was trapped in the remains of her house for three days in water up to her neck....

February 12, 2023 · 3 min · 438 words · David Ranieri

Devastation In New Zealand

It is now 10 at night, and there are collapsed buildings across the city full of people who are believed to be alive. If emergency services can’t get to them, they will be dead by morning. Please, if you are religious person, pray for those people. They are pinned in the cold and dark and may not survive this night. Thank you to the governments of Australia, the United States of America, Japan and the United Kingdom for putting your search and rescue teams at our disposal....

February 12, 2023 · 4 min · 694 words · Billy Springer

Police Arrest Squirrel Just One Of 10 Crazy Squirrel Facts And Tales

10 The Home Wrecker In 2014, a magistrate woke up to noises in her home in Hartlepool.[1] Since the alarm was also screaming, the 64-year-old Margaret Bousfield assumed the worst. Instead of a burglar, she found a squirrel. It was covered in soot, which suggested the critter had entered the house through the chimney. However, the squirrel was desperate to leave. If the living room’s damage was anything to go by, it had been trying to escape for hours....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1727 words · Ernest Luse

Top 10 Army Bases Named After Confederate Generals

When the Democratic southern states seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, a large number of military officers followed, and they formed the CSA’s military command. More than 150 years after the conflict came to an end, ten bases throughout the American south still bear the names of some of the Confederacy’s greatest military leaders. 10 Monuments More Controversial Than The Confederate Statues 10 Fort A....

February 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2177 words · Janet Mosby

Top 10 Badass Ancient Weapons

This is a list of the most badass weapons in ancient history. This list excludes weapons beyond the medieval period. Culverins were medieval guns. These were often used by horsemen in a medieval kind of drive-by shooting. The hand culverin were made of a simple smoothbore tube, closed at one end except for a small hole designed to fire the gunpowder. The tube was held in place by a wooden piece which could be held under the arm....

February 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2160 words · Marie Mickle

Top 10 Badass Movie Characters

Marv Sin City Starting off the list, we have Marv, a famous protagonist from Frank Miller’s graphic novel and film ‘Sin City’. He’s such a badass that he just shrugs off multiple gunshot wounds, being hit by a car, a blow to the head by a sledgehammer and even electrocution. To add insult to injury, he often takes the trench coats of the people he kills. He’s also an incessant drinker with an extremely high alcohol tolerance....

February 12, 2023 · 5 min · 1065 words · Annie Lempke

Top 10 Bizarre Amish Arrests And Mishaps

SEE ALSO: 10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About The Amish 10 Religious Tipplers In the eyes of the law, it does not matter what a person is driving – be it a car or a horse-drawn buggy—if you are impaired, you will be arrested. Such was the case for a heavily intoxicated 21-year-old Amish man who blew through a stop sign after chugging 10 beers. Believing that he was witnessing a runaway horse, a deputy in Geauga County, Ohio pursued the buggy until the inebriated gent arrived at his farm....

February 12, 2023 · 13 min · 2597 words · John Hudson

Top 10 Bizarre Sleep Habits Of The Rich

No matter where you fall on the sleep debate, there are some actual benefits to getting enough sleep. Your immune system gets a boost; it improves your mental capacity, reduces stress, and helps to improve your mood. The rich and the famous have their own ways of trying to hack sleep to make it work better for them. Here are 10 bizarre sleep habits of the rich. 10 Michael Phelps Sleeps in an Elevation Chamber Estimated Net Worth—$80 million Why They Are Rich and Famous Michael Phelps is an Olympic Gold Medalist with 28 medals, 23 of which are gold....

February 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1534 words · Amber Villegas

Top 10 Bizarre Ways North Korea Has Annoyed The World

10 Faxing Menacing Letters North Korea often rails against alleged injustices and warlike behaviors by the US and South Korea with rather ridiculous and over the top claims. How they’ve been transmitting that information to South Korea has been equally ridiculous—faxing them. In response to anti–North Korean protests in South Korea in 2013, North Korea faxed the South Korean defense ministry a message threatening an attack for the insult. South Korea faxed a reply back promising retaliation if an attack was carried out....

February 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1766 words · Jose Shockley

Top 10 Bizarre World Records

I’m putting this at the number 10 spot just to get it out of the way. This guy lays down in a glass coffin while people pour a record amount of cockroaches on him. It is simply astonishing what people will do to get mentioned in a book. I know this is a terrible transition – going from cockroaches to French kissing – but I couldn’t rate this any better than 9 because it really didn’t take a lot of talent to accomplish, just good organization skills as well as being fearless to the possibility of getting mono or worse....

February 12, 2023 · 4 min · 641 words · Summer Ramirez